Extramural Grant Funding:
Currently funded:
- Rahman, A. and Islam, R. (2024-2026) Boosting Bell Pepper Yield and Phytochemical Content: A Drip Irrigation Approach with Gibberellic Acid and Naphthalene Acetic Acid. USDA-ODA Specialty Crop Block Grant Program. $ 85,000.
- Islam K.R. and M.A. Rahman (2022-2025) Development of a holistic photocatalytic approach for controlling agriculturally-induced algal blooms and associated cyanotoxins in lakes and reservoirs. Sub-contact award from Central State University. Funded by USDA-Capacity Building. $ 600,000 ($ 240,000).
- Islam KR., Rahman, MA. (2024-2025) Enhancing Soybean Production in Marginal Soil through Sulfur Fertilization and Salicylic Acid Application. $ 25,000. Ohio Soybean Council.
Pending funding:
- Islam, KR. and Rahman, A. (2025-2028) Unveiling Key Site-Specific Indicators to Predict Dissolved Phosphorus Loss in Western Lake Erie Basin Croplands. Ohio Department of Agriculture-H2Ohio Water Quality, $ 600,000.
- Islam KR., Rahman, MA. (2025-2026) Enhancing Soybean Production in Marginal Soil through Sulfur Fertilization and Salicylic Acid Application. $ 25,000. Ohio Soybean Council (Waiting for 2nd year approval).
- Rahman, A., Islam, KR. (2025-2027) Buckeye Nutrient-Enriched Organo-Mineral Slow-Release Fertilizer. OSU CFAES Internal Grant, $ 75,000.
- Stavi, I., Islam, KR., Ben-Gal, A., and Gao, Y. (2025-2026) Regenerative agriculture for climate change mitigation and adaptation. US-Israel BARD, $45,000 ($).
- Islam, KR. And Rahman, A. (2025-2026) Integrating biochar with NPK fertilizers to enhance nutrient and water use efficiency for sustainable and economically viable summer squash production. OVSFRDP, $ 4,134.
- Islam KR., Hofecker T. (2024-2025) A Low-cost Rapid Field Test for Available Soil Nitrogen for V6 Corn. USDA-NIFA. $ 175,000 ($97,000).
- Tepper, Sigal, Khandakar R, MA Rahman, and Adam Abrahamson (2024 -2027) Soil-food-health nexus. USDA-BARD. $308,000 ($ 150,000).
Funded and completed:
- Islam KR. and Rahman, MA. (2022-2024) Improving tomato yield and quality using nano fertilization with salicylic acid. USDA-Ohio Department of Agriculture Specialty Crop Block Grant Program. $ 55,000.
- Islam, K.R. and M.A. Rahman (2021-2023) Developing Al-Fe/LDH Intercalated Activated Carbon Composite to Control Edge-of-Field Phosphorous and Nitrogen Loss. OSU CFAES Internal Grants Program. $ 50,000.
- Islam K.R. (2023) Brandts fertilization trial. $ 6,728. Brandts Fertilizers Inc., Ohio.
- Margaret, MK., Shedekar, VS, Martin, JF., Islam, KR., LABARGE, GA. (2020-2023) Soil health and water quality nexus in sustainable agroecosystems. NC SARE R&E, $249,933.
- Yaroslava, M and Islam, K.R. (2021 – 2023) Proactive recycling of sewage sludge to improve marginal land quality for sustainable biofeedstock production in Ukraine. $75,000 ($15,000). Civilian Research and Development Fund (CRDF). Withheld due Ukraine-Russia war.
- Islam, K.R., Arif Rahman, and Brad Bergefurd (2022) Oxifertigation to improve soil health and sustain tomato yield and quality. OVSFRDP. $ 4030.
- Islam, K.R., Tolstikov, A., Ivanova, L., and Bome, N. (2021) Strengthening U.S. and Russian Capacity Building Collaboration Through Joint-Institutional Teaching and Research Development. U.S.-Russia Virtual University Partnerships (UniVIP) Small Grants Application. $ 5,000.
- Brad Bergefurd, Gary Gao, M.A. Rahman, and Rafiq Islam (2021-2022) Nano iron (Fe) fertilization on growth, yield and quality of processing tomatoes under drip-irrigated plasticulture. Funded by OVSFRDP. $4,4478.
- Bergefurd, B. and K.R. Islam (2019-2022) Salicylic acid and nano Fe fertilization effects on economic production of pumpkin and tomatoes. Ohio Produce Growers & Marketers Association. $ 4,000.
- Nedunuri, K.K., Islam, K.R., and Zhang, N. (2016-2020) Role of Water Quality and Soil Health in Sustainable Food Production on Urban Landscapes. USDA Capacity Building $ 598,000 ($ 242,000).
- Shauna, B., Islam K.R., Brad Bergefurd, Ajay Shah, and Peter Ling (2016 to 2020) Evaluation of Mitsui Chemicals iCAST Crop Cultivation System in Specialty Crop Production. Mitsui Corporation, Japan, $ 750,000 ($600,00).
- Islam, K.R. and N. Didenko (2017-2019) Impact of sustainable agricultural management practices on soil quality and crop productivity. CRDF grant $ 107,000.
- Sundermeier, A., S.M. Shedekar, and K.R. Islam (2018-2019) Making sense of Soil Health Reports – A partnership to develop recommendations for soil health testing, interpretation. NCR-SARE Partnership grant, $ 29,980 ($0).
- Islam, K.R., Gourapura, R., and I. Beau (2018) Strengthening U.S. and Kazakh Scientific Capacity through Joint-Institutional Agricultural Teaching, Research, and Outreach Development. January 2019 – September 2019. American Councils for International Education, Washington, DC. $ 25,035.
- Islam, K.R. and Mavis Numafo (2018) Training professionals and educators on sustainable agriculture and soil health. Mandela Washington Fellowship Reciprocal Exchange grant. $ 5,000.
- Islam, K.R. (2018) Gypsum and cover crops effect on edge-of-field P loss study. CTC Mini-grant, $ 3,000.
- Islam, K.R. (2017) Improve efficiency and profitability of fertilizer use within the framework of Integrated Soil Fertility Management practices for smallholder farmers. USDA-FAS Norman Borlaug Fellowship Program. $ 34,176.
- Islam, K.R. (2017) U.S.-China Scientific Cooperative Exchange Program in Crop Rotation and Soil Quality Monitoring and Detection. $ 39,002.
- Islam, K.R. (2016-2017) Biochar impact on C and N concentrations, soil quality, crop yield and greenhouse gas emissions. University of California-Davis (Borlaug), $ 18,914.
- Islam, K.R. (2015-18) Recycle nitrogen to maximize no-till corn-soybean sustainability with winter-hardy clover blends. Grassland Oregon Assoc., $ 30,000.
- Islam, K.R. and Randall Reeder (2014-2017) Developing a farmer friendly soil organic matter calculator for sustainable production of soybeans with enhanced ecosystem services. Ohio Soybean Council. $ 25,000
- Islam, K.R. and Randall Reeder (2014-17) Maximize continuous no-till sustainability with cover crop blends and zeolite. Warner Endowment. $ 15,000
- Islam, K.R. and Jon Witter (2014-2017) Developing soluble reactive P & N adsorption materials from agricultural waste and natural products. Ohio Sea Grant. $ 10,000
- Islam, K.R. (2016) Influence of irrigation on soil fertility and structure (Soil quality). USDA-FAS Norman Borlaug Fellowship Program. $ 32,276.
- Fausey, N., Islam, KR, Warren Dick, Tara VanToai, Randall Reeder, Marvin Batte, and Dexter Watts (2011 to 2016) Increasing soybean productivity while improving soil quality and mitigating climate change. United soybean Board. $800,000 ($200,000).
- Witter, J., Koontz, T., Islam, KR., and P. Mauser (2012 to 2017) An integrated approach to foster science-based management of agricultural drainage channels in the western Lake Erie basin. USDA-Integrated Water Quality. $450,000 ($100,000).
- Grewal, P., Islam, K.R., McCoy, E.D. Kumarappan S., and A.P. Sundermeier (2012 to 2017) Impact of long-term and transitioning organic farming systems on soil ecosystem services: On farm & experimental assessment. USDA Organic Transition, $ 450,000 ($167,000).
- Islam, K.R. and Jon Witter (2014-2016) Developing soluble reactive phosphorus and nitrogen adsorption materials from agricultural waste and natural products? Ohio Sea Grant College Program, $ 10,000.
- Islam, K.R. and Jon Witter (2014) Studies on the performance of organically based phosphorus adsorption materials. Battelle Memorial Trust. $ 25,000.
- Islam, K.R., Cornish, K., Reeder, R., Sundermeier, A.P., Romich, E., Pennington, D., and Momen, B. (2014-2015) Training Professionals on Sustainable Advanced Energy Feedstock Production for Enhanced Ecosystems Services from the Ground Up. NE SunGrant Initiatives (DOE/USDA), $ 30,000.
- Islam, K.R. (2015) Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center’s equipment grant. Ohio State University, $ 40,000.
- Islam, K.R. (2013) Developing Management Tools for Assessing Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Carbon Sequestration in Agroecosystems. Norman Borlaug Intern. Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship Program. $ 32,016.
- Islam, K.R. and R.C. Reeder (2010 to 2013) Growing perennial grasses for biofuels on marginal land amended with municipal waste biosolids and flue gas desulfurization gypsum. Northeast SunGrant Competitive Funding. $ 187,873.
- Islam, K.R., R.C., Reeder, and J. Hoorman (2010 to 2013) Training Professionals on Sustainable Agriculture for Enhanced Ecosystems Services from the Ground Up. North Central Region SARE Professional Development Project, $ 68,141.
- Islam, K.R. and R. C. Reeder (2012-2013) Developing farmer friendly tools for predicting soil organic matter in a sustainable corn-based bioenergy feedstock system. Michigan Corn Growers Association. $30,000.
- Islam, K.R. (2012) Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center’s equipment grant. Ohio State University, $ 60,000.
- Islam, K.R. (2011 to 2013) Continuous No-Till and Cover Crops Effect on Reactive Nitrogen and Phosphorus Leaching from Manure Applied Fields under Corn-Soybean Rotation. Conservation Tillage and Technology Conf. $ 9,000.
- Islam, K.R. (2011) Effects of Organo-zeolitic mixtures to nutrient-use efficiency of crops for sustainable agriculture. Norman Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship Program. $ 33,060.
- Islam, K.R. (2010) Carbon-Neutral Perennial Grass Biofuels from Biosolids and FGD Gypsum Amended Degraded Forest and Marginal Lands in Appalachian Ohio. Warner Endowment. $5,000.
- Islam, K.R. (2010) Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center’s equipment grant. Ohio State University, $ 6,000.
- Islam, K.R. (2008) Using Cover Crops to Improve Crop Water-use Efficiency. Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference Research Grant. $2,000.
- Islam, K.R. (2009) Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center’s equipment grant. Ohio State University, $ 26,000.
- Islam, K.R. (2007) Impact of Conventional and No-till Corn-Soybean Rotations with and Without Cover crops on Carbon Sequestration and Soil Quality. Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference Research Grant, $5,000.
- Islam, K.R. (2007) Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center’s equipment grant. Ohio State University, $50,000.
- Islam, K.R. (2006) Cover Cropping to Enhance NT Soil Quality for Economic Crop Production. CTTC Research Grant, $2,000.
- Islam, K.R. (2006) Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center’s equipment grant, Ohio State University, $50,000.
- Islam, K.R. and S. Wright (2005) Potassium fertilization to enhance growth & antioxidant content of blueberries & black raspberries. Ohio Fruit Growers Assoc., $1,500.
- Islam, K.R. (2002 to 2008) Comparative Impact of N Fertilizers on Crop Yields, Weed Pressure, N leaching and Soil Quality. Agrium USA, Inc., $65,270.
- Islam, K.R. (2002 to 2005) Cover Crops, Chicken and Diary Manures Impact on Crop Yields, Carbon Sequestration, and Soil Quality. Warner Endowment Fund for Sustainable Agric. Interdisciplinary Grant Program for On-farm Research, $5,000.
- Islam, K.R. and S. Wright (2003) Development of a simple test to evaluate water quality for mixing with pesticides. Ohio Fruit Growers Society $1,000.
- Islam, K.R. (2002) Biological-root protectant fungicide (T-22) effects on nitrogen efficiency, crop growth and soil quality. Advanced Biological Marketing, $3,500.
- Grewal, P. and K.R. Islam (2011 to 2014) Maximizing ecosystem services in the soil food web in organic farming systems. CERES Trust. $178,929 ($ 45,000).
- Reeder, R.C. and K.R. Islam (2010) Soil properties after 25 years of tillage and drainage research. CTTC Research Grant, $ 2,000.
- Hoorman, J. and K.R. Islam (2008 to 2010) Recycling nutrients with cover crops to decrease hypoxia while promoting sustainable crop production. NCR SARE Research and Extension grant, $10,000.
- Hoorman, J. and K.R. Islam (2007 to 2008) Using Dairy Manure with Annual Ryegrass for Herbage Production. Oregon Ryegrass Association, $10,000.
- Sundermeier, A.P. and K.R. Islam (2007) Managing Pests by Linking Plant Health to Soil Health: Soil Quality Workshop Proposal. Ohio IPM Grant Program, $5,000.
- Wright, S., and K.R. Islam (2002) Alternate year bearing trial for thorny blackberries. The Ohio Vegetable and Small Fruit Research and Development Program. $750.