CFAES Give Today
South Centers

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Funded Grants

Extramural Grant Funding:

Currently funded:

Islam K. R., Brad Bergefurd, and Matt Smith (2018-2022) Role of Water Quality and Soil Health in Sustainable Food Production on Urban Landscapes. USDA-Capacity Building. $ 292,000.

Islam, K.R. and M.A. Rahman (2020) Integrated no-till cropping diversity to control topsoil and nutrient loss. $ 5,000. Warner Endowment.

Islam K.R., Shauna, B., Brad Bergefurd, Ajay Shah, and Peter Ling (2016 to 2022) Evaluation of Mitsui Chemicals iCAST Crop Cultivation System in Specialty Crop Production. Mitsui Corporation, Japan, $ 650,000.

Bergefurd, B. and K.R. Islam (2019-2022) Salicylic acid and nano Fe fertilization effects on economic production of pumpkin and tomatoes. Ohio Produce Growers & Marketers Association. $ 9,000.

Pending funding:

Islam, KR and Yaroslava, VP (2021-2022) Recycling municipal biosolids to improve marginal land quality for economically viable and environmentally compatible bioenergy feedstock production in Ukraine. CRDF-Global, $74,000.

Islam, K.R., Bergefurd, B., and M.A. Rahman (2021-2023) Aquaponic Outlook: Enhancing the knowledge and success of aquaponics via promotion and growth of educational opportunities, integrated curriculums, and community outreach. NCR-SARE, $ 100,000.

Islam, K.R. and M.A. Rahman (2020-2022) Developing Al-Fe/LDH Intercalated Activated Carbon Composite to Control Edge-of-Field Phosphorous and Nitrogen Loss. OSU internal grant, $ 50,000.


Funded and completed:

Islam, K.R. and N. Didenko (2017-2019) Impact of sustainable agricultural management practices on soil quality and crop productivity. CRDF grant $ 107,000.

Sundermeier, A., S.M. Shedekar, and K.R. Islam (2018-2019) Making sense of Soil Health Reports – A partnership to develop recommendations for soil health testing, interpretation. NCR-SARE Partnership grant, $ 29,980.

Islam, K.R., Gourapura, R., and I. Beau (2018) Strengthening U.S. and Kazakh Scientific Capacity through Joint-Institutional Agricultural Teaching, Research, and Outreach Development. January 2019 – September 2019. $ 25,035. American Councils for International Education.

Islam, K.R. and Mavis Numafo (2018) Training professionals and educators on sustainable agriculture and soil health. Mandela Washington Fellowship Reciprocal Exchange grant. $ 5,000.

Islam, K.R. (2018) Gypsum and cover crops effect on edge-of-field P loss study. CTC Mini-grant, $ 3,000.

Islam, K.R. (2017) Improve efficiency and profitability of fertilizer use within the framework of Integrated Soil Fertility Management practices for smallholder farmers. USDA-FAS Norman Borlaug Fellowship Program. $ 34,176.

Islam, K.R. (2017) U.S.-China Scientific Cooperative Exchange Program in Crop Rotation and Soil Quality Monitoring and Detection. $ 39,002.

Islam, K.R. (2016-2017) Biochar impact on C and N concentrations, soil quality, crop yield and greenhouse gas emissions. University of California-Davis (Borlaug), $ 18,914.

Islam, K.R. (2015-18) Recycle nitrogen to maximize no-till corn-soybean sustainability with winter-hardy clover blends. Grassland Oregon Assoc., $ 30,000.

Islam, K.R. and Randall Reeder (2014-2017) Developing a farmer friendly soil organic matter calculator for sustainable production of soybeans with enhanced ecosystem services. Ohio Soybean Council. $ 125,000

Islam, K.R. and Randall Reeder (2014-17) Maximize continuous no-till sustainability with cover crop blends and zeolite. Warner Endowment. $ 15,000

Islam, K.R. and Jon Witter (2014-2017) Developing soluble reactive P & N adsorption materials from agricultural waste and natural products. Ohio Sea Grant. $ 10,000

Islam, K.R. (2016) Influence of irrigation on soil fertility and structure (Soil quality). USDA-FAS Norman Borlaug Fellowship Program. $ 32,276.

Fausey, N., Islam, KR, Warren Dick, Tara VanToai, Randall Reeder, Marvin Batte, and Dexter Watts (2011 to 2016) Increasing Soybean Productivity while Improving Soil Quality and Mitigating Climate Change. United soybean Board. $ 1,000,000.

Witter, J., Koontz, T., Islam, KR., and P. Mauser (2012 to 2017) An integrated approach to foster science-based management of agricultural drainage channels in the western Lake Erie basin. USDA-Integrated Water Quality. $750,000.

Grewal, P., Islam, K.R., McCoy, E.D. Kumarappan S., and A.P. Sundermeier (2012 to 2017) Impact of long-term and transitioning organic farming systems on soil ecosystem services: On farm & experimental assessment. USDA Organic Transition, $ 750,000.

Islam, K.R. and Jon Witter (2014-2016) Developing soluble reactive phosphorus and nitrogen adsorption materials from agricultural waste and natural products? Ohio Sea Grant College Program, $ 10,000.

Islam, K.R. and Jon Witter (2014) Studies on the performance of organically based phosphorus adsorption materials. Battelle Memorial Trust. $ 25,000.

Islam, K.R., Cornish, K., Reeder, R., Sundermeier, A.P., Romich, E., Pennington, D., and Momen, B. (2014-2015) Training Professionals on Sustainable Advanced Energy Feedstock Production for Enhanced Ecosystems Services from the Ground Up. NE SunGrant Initiatives (DOE/USDA), $ 30,000.

Islam, K.R. (2015) Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center’s equipment grant. Ohio State University, $ 40,000.

Islam, K.R. (2013) Developing Management Tools for Assessing Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Carbon Sequestration in Agroecosystems. Norman Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship Program. $ 32,016.

Islam, K.R. and R.C. Reeder (2010 to 2013) Growing perennial grasses for biofuels on marginal land amended with municipal waste biosolids and flue gas desulfurization gypsum. Northeast SunGrant Competitive Funding. $187,873.

Islam, K.R., R.C., Reeder, and J. Hoorman (2010 to 2013) Training Professionals on Sustainable Agriculture for Enhanced Ecosystems Services from the Ground Up. North Central Region SARE Professional Development Project, $ 68,141.

Islam, K.R. and R. C. Reeder (2012-2013) Developing farmer friendly tools for predicting soil organic matter in a sustainable corn-based bioenergy feedstock system. Michigan Corn Growers Association. $30,000.

Islam, K.R. (2012) Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center’s equipment grant. Ohio State University, $ 60,000.

Islam, K.R. (2011 to 2013) Continuous No-Till and Cover Crops Effect on Reactive Nitrogen and Phosphorus Leaching from Manure Applied Fields under Corn-Soybean Rotation. Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference. $ 9,000.

Islam, K.R. (2011) Effects of Organo-zeolitic mixtures to nutrient-use efficiency of crops for sustainable agriculture. Norman Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship Program. $ 33,060.

Islam, K.R. (2010) Carbon-Neutral Perennial Grass Biofuels from Biosolids and FGD Gypsum Amended Degraded Forest and Marginal Lands in Appalachian Ohio. Warner Endowment. $5,000.

Islam, K.R. (2010) Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center’s equipment grant. Ohio State University, $ 6,000.

Islam, K.R. (2008) Using Cover Crops to Improve Crop Water-use Efficiency. Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference Research Grant. $2,000.

Islam, K.R. (2009) Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center’s equipment grant. Ohio State University, $ 26,000.

Islam, K.R. (2007) Impact of Conventional and No-till Corn-Soybean Rotations with and Without Cover crops on Carbon Sequestration and Soil Quality. Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference Research Grant, $5,000.

Islam, K.R. (2007) Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center’s equipment grant. Ohio State University, $65,000.

Islam, K.R. (2006) Cover Cropping to Enhance NT Soil Quality for Economic Crop Production. CTTC Research Grant, $2,000.

Islam, K.R. (2006) Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center’s equipment grant, Ohio State University, $50,000.

Islam, K.R. and S. Wright (2005) Potassium fertilization to enhance growth & antioxidant content of blueberries & black raspberries. Ohio Fruit Growers Assoc., $1,500.

Islam, K.R. (2002 to 2008) Comparative Impact of N Fertilizers on Crop Yields, Weed Pressure, N leaching and Soil Quality. Agrium USA, Inc., $65,270.

Islam, K.R. (2002 to 2005) Cover Crops, Chicken and Diary Manures Impact on Crop Yields, Carbon Sequestration, and Soil Quality. Warner Endowment Fund for Sustainable Agric. Interdisciplinary Grant Program for On-farm Research, $15,000.

Islam, K.R. and S. Wright (2003) Development of a simple test to evaluate water quality for mixing with pesticides. Ohio Fruit Growers Society $1,000.

Islam, K.R. (2002) Biological-root protectant fungicide (T-22) effects on N-efficiency, Crop Growth and Soil Quality. Advanced Biological Marketing, $3,500.

Grewal, P., and K.R. Islam (2011 to 2014) Maximizing ecosystem services in the soil food web in organic farming systems. CERES Trust. $178,929.

Reeder, R.C. and K.R. Islam (2010) Soil properties after 25 years of tillage and drainage research. CTTC Research Grant, $ 2,000.

Hoorman, J. and K.R. Islam (2008 to 2010) Recycling nutrients with cover crops to decrease hypoxia while promoting sustainable crop production. NCR SARE Research and Extension grant, $10,000.

Hoorman, J. and K.R. Islam (2007 to 2008) Using Dairy Manure with Annual Ryegrass for Herbage Production. Oregon Ryegrass Association, $10,000.

Sundermeier, A.P. and K.R. Islam (2007) Managing Pests by Linking Plant Health to Soil Health: Soil Quality Workshop Proposal. Ohio IPM Grant Program, $5,000.

Wright, S. and K.R. Islam (2002) Alternate year bearing trial for thorny blackberries. The Ohio Vegetable and Small Fruit Research and Development Program. $750.