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South Centers

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Dr. Logan Minter

Dr. Logan Minter
Statewide Field Specialist/ Associate Professor, Extension in Specialty Crops
Room 136 Research and Extension Bldg. The Ohio State University South Centers, Piketon
Degree Information: 
University of Kentucky
- Ph.D. Entomology, 2012
- Graduate Certificate Applied Statistics, 2011
- Graduate Certificate College Teaching and Learning, 2012  
- M.S. Entomology, 2010
Shawnee State University
- B.S. Biology, 2007
- B.S. Natural Sciences, Chemistry Concentration, 2007 

Dr. Logan Minter grew up in rural Pike County, Ohio and graduated from Piketon High School. His educational and professional background has largely focused on plant/ landscape ecology, plant-insect interactions, natural resource conservation, sustainable agriculture, public health entomology, and biostatistics.He has taught undergraduate courses related to these subjects and mentored student research for over 10 years. Minter's past research has concerned pest management, pollination, and propagation of specialty crops, including cucurbits and hops, as well as environmental analysis, natural history of plants, and community engagement with green infrastructure. He is very interested in the intersection of sustainable agriculture and natural resources conservation as a focus for future research and extension activities.                                                                         

Additional Information: 
  • Dr. Minter's most recent affiliation has been as Associate Professor of Botany at Shawnee State University. He previously served as Director of Upward Bound programs at the same institution and also taught at Marietta College, Unity College, Ashland Community and Technical College, and Bluegrass Community and Technical College. He began his professional career as an Ohio State Park Naturalist and student Research Assistant at South Centers.
  • Serves on several volunteer boards that focus on the promotion of natural history, sustainable agriculture, and recreational tourism opportunities.
  • Awarded the Shannon Lawson Service award at SSU in 2020 and a Jenco award through the Foundation of Appalachian Ohio in 2022.
  • Enjoys many outdoor adventure activities, growing produce for market, playing 12-string guitar, and dabbling in nature photography.