By Ryan Mapes
Endeavor Center Manager
The Endeavor Center business incubator continues to experience significant challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. From the start of restricted operations in March 2020 through June, the facility doors were closed while OSU employees as well as the partner businesses’ staff worked remotely. Flexible payment terms were made available and fortunately most of the tenants remain in the Endeavor Center.
In July, based on better knowledge of the virus and safety protocols implemented, we were fortunate to re-open on a limited basis. With assistance from OSU and College of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences, we developed a very thorough plan to begin re-opening the facility. Our plans continue to be flexible, based on the ebb and flow of the virus and as more information becomes available. Highlights of this plan include increased daily cleaning and sanitizing standards, adhering to masking policies, and following all mandated social distancing guidelines.
The Endeavor Center remains closed to the general public, but some business tenants have resumed occupancy of their offices and are following all state, university, and local health guidelines. Meeting and training rooms are now being reserved based on an exemption approval process for business events, but the hours of operation are limited, and occupancy levels have decreased significantly.
Both 400 sq. ft. and 200 sq. ft. furnished office space is currently available for lease to entrepreneurs and start-up businesses. Easy access to a copier, printer, kitchen area, meeting rooms, and our Small Business Development Center counselors are just a few of the benefits when leasing an office in the Endeavor Center.
Please contact Jennifer Dunn at or Ryan Mapes at for any questions regarding usage of the facility.