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South Centers

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Soil and Water team publishes numerous manuscripts, applies for more grant funds

By Dr. Mohammad (Arif) Rahman
SWBR Scientist

Soil, Water, and Bioenergy team members at The Ohio State University South Centers published 10, and submitted several other research manuscripts to internationally reputed, peer-reviewed journals through our national and international collaborations. Moreover, we have submitted several research grant proposals during the COVID-19 pandemic. 
One of the classical papers dealt with the assessment of heavy metals pollution of soil-water-vegetative ecosystems associated with artisanal gold mining, and was published in Soil and Sediment Contamination. This paper explores how food crops grown in artisanal gold mine areas in Southern Ghana contained mercury higher that the maximum permissible limits of WHO/FAO guidelines. In addition, how both well and stream water were contaminated with heavy metals and become unsuitable for drinking due to lead, cadmium and mercury toxicity. 

Other recently published work included:
Shedekar, V.S., King, K.W., Fausey, N.R., Islam, K.R., Soboyejo, A.B.O., Kalcic, M., L.C. Brown (2020) Exploring the effectiveness of drainage water management on water budgets and nitrate loss using three evaluation approaches. Agric. Water Manag. 243: 106501.
Dutbayev, Y., Islam, R., M.J. Haus, and D. Brad (2020) Impact of Fusarium Infections on Dry Bean Stomatal Functions and Crop Physiology. Annals of Agri-Bio Res. 25: 270-274.
Kuldybayev, N.M., Slyamova, A.Y., Islam, K.R., Tsygankov, V., and Dutbayev, Y.B. (2020) Clustering methods of important soybean physiological parameters and root rot indexes. UDC 519.237.8:581.1:633.853.52:581:144.2.
Raut, Y., Vinayak Shedekar, K.R. Islam, Javier Gonzalez, Dexter Watts, Warren Dick, Dennis Flanagan, Norman Fausey, Marvin Batte, Randall Reeder, and Tara VanToai (2020) Soybean yield response to gypsum soil amendment, cover crop and rotation. Agric. Environ. Letters. 
Reda M. Y. Zewail, Heba S. El-Desoukey & K.R. Islam (2020) Chromium stress alleviation by salicylic acid in Malabar spinach (Basella alba), Journal of Plant Nutrition, DOI: 10.1080/01904167.2020.1727504.
Emmanuel, A., Emmanuel Arthur, KA, Frimpong, S.J, Parikh, and K.R. Islam (2020) Soil organic carbon storage and quality are impacted by corn cob biochar application on a tropical sandy loam. J Soils and Sediments.
Emanuel, A., Frimpong-Manso, J., Essumang, K.D., and K.R. Islam (2020) Weed control by glyphosate associated with maize production. J. Botanical Res. Appl. (Accepted for publication). 
Emmanuel, A., M.A. Rahman, K.A. Nketia, R. Djouaka, N.O. Didenko, and K.R. Islam (2020) Impact of deforestation and subsequent land-use change on soil quality. Eurasian J. Soil Sci Accepted for publication). 
There are two additional manuscripts that have been submitted to journals still under review.

In continuation of research, the Soil, Water, and Bioenergy team submitted six (6) grant applications to Warner Endowment (received), OARDC-IGP, OSU-IGP for Ph.D. students, NC-SARE R&E (One with OSU and the other one with Lincoln University, MO), and Kazakh-US (Bolashak) programs, which are currently under review.