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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


New Fact Sheet Available to Assist Ohio Farmers’ Markets Accept SNAP Benefits

By Christie Welch
Direct Food & Agricultural Marketing Specialist

A new fact sheet has been published via Ohioline to assist Ohio’s farm/farmers’ markets interested in accepting Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits.  SNAP is the federal food assistance program known in Ohio as the Ohio Direction Card. 

These benefits allow income eligible Ohioans to purchase food for their families.  In 2017, 224 Ohio farm/farmers’ markets redeemed $270,510 in SNAP benefits, a 34.6 percent increase from 2012. Even with this positive increase, there are many more markets in Ohio that could accept SNAP benefits to increase where SNAP recipients can shop for locally produced foods. 

You can access the fact sheet at If you have questions or would like additional information about accepting SNAP at your market you can contact Christie Welch,