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The Ohio State University South Centers in Piketon Contracts with the University of Rio Grande

By: Patrick Dengel, OSU-Rio Grande Collaboration Coordinator and Business Development Specialist
The Ohio State University South Centers in Piketon contracts with the University of Rio Grande to provide service programs that assist business students with experiential learning, complimenting their formalized for-credit education. This program assists students with understanding the essentials in entrepreneurship. Patrick Dengel is the OSU-RIO Collaboration Program Coordinator, who establishes learning objectives, tasks, and focuses the activities of students in this program.  
As an adjunct faculty member, Dengel teaches a simultaneous on-line and in-class for-credit course each semester in business management.  This is the capstone class for students seeking their degrees in business.  Students develop a workable small business plan and at the end of the course make a presentation about their plan.  As a result of this course, several students have started new businesses, one has expanded their business via expansion loans using their small business plan, and another established increased product capacity in their manufacturing business.  
In another joint effort, Dengel and Jason Winters, Chair of the College of Business  at University of Rio Grande, established an OSU-RIO Collaborative television/radio educational show which assists students with understanding different media formats including: radio, television, YouTube and live internet streaming.  These shows feature guests discussing business and education topics ranging from interviewing people from small businesses, personnel from business support organizations, programs managers and educators with The Ohio State University South Centers, and faculty/administration from various educational programs at the University of Rio Grande/Rio Grande Community College.
This project had its inception February 2010 using a weekly Internet Blog-Talk Podcast program.
This program provides business majors and MBA students with experience using different media formats as part of their entrepreneurial course work.  With assistance, students schedule guests for interviews, schedule media show slots, use different marketing /advertisement formats, co-host interviews, manage behind-the scenes broadcasting and maintain statistical information.  In the beginning, the shows were one hour long using the telephone as the principle microphone.  All interviews have been archived on Internet Blog-Talk Radio for listening again. 
As the listening audience grew, in January 2012 the show drew the attention of Mike Thompson, Director of the University of Rio Grande Instructional Design and Media Services. In addition to the Blog-Talk Internet Radio, the shows began simulcasting with the Rio Grande educational channel 17 TV station.  This public access TV Program broadcasts under the Time Warner cable system using the public educational channels.  With the addition of the public access channel 17 broadcast, viewers from four Southern Ohio counties can now view broadcast shows live, in addition to the audio program being available on the Internet through the BlogTalk Radio site.  All completed broadcasts are archived online on BlogTalk Radio and YouTube for viewing and listening again. 
As of January 2015, the OSU-RIO Collaboration TV/Radio again expanded its format by introducing three-half-hour programs, which include:
Wednesday, 1:00 to 1:30 p.m.    
Business Talk – Focuses on people from different small businesses; personnel from small business support organizations; program leaders and educators with The Ohio State University South Centers; and students, faculty and administrators with the University of Rio Grande.
Wednesday, 2:00 to 2:30 p.m.   (Each of the four shows is seen once a month):
Body Talk – Health program on maintaining healthy living
Exposition – Art and cultural program featuring local artisans displaying artwork
Agri-Talk – OSU educators discuss agricultural programs
Strictly Business – OSU program managers highlighting area businesses and entrepreneurs Wednesday, 3:00-3:30 p.m.   (Each of the four shows airs once a month, featuring various guests):
Voice of Rio – Hosted by the President of the University of Rio Grande Voice of Rio – Hosted by the Provost of the University of Rio Grande South Centers Chat – Hosted by the Director of OSU South Centers
Voice of Rio – Hosted by the Deans of the University of Rio Grande
Using archive statistics, the OSU-RIO Collaborative has tabulated that since beginning the program in February 2010 to May 31, 2015, the program has had almost 32,000 views or listens. Statistics also show persons from 165 different countries have viewed or listened to at least one of the broadcasts.
By the end of 2015, it is the goal of the OSU-RIO Collaborative to distribute completed shows to other public access channels. 
Readers can information about these educational programs at:
OSU-RIO Collaboration Facebook page:
Rio Grande Cable Access Facebook page:  www.facebook/riograndecableaccess