By Gary Gao, PhD, Extension Specialist and Associate Professor, OSU South Centers
Container fruit production is underway at the OSU South Centers. We have researched possible container types and sizes, potting mixes, nutrient fertility programs, and other factors. Since we do not have unlimited funds, we will focus on one or two container sizes and potting mixes. Seven- to ten-gallon containers seem to be a happy medium for container sizes and commercial nursery mix with mostly pine bark fines might be a good starting point for potting mixes.
While I was researching for grape production techniques, I came upon a really neat raspberry cultivar. It is called raspberry Shortcake ‘NR7.’ My good friend Bob Maddox, president of Delhi Flower and Garden Center (, told me about this new dwarf thornless raspberry cultivar. It seems to be a good cultivar for patio fruit production. This cultivar should also be good for commercial production.