MarketReady is a comprehensive educational program that prepares food producers to sell directly to consumers and wholesale buyers. The Ohio MarketReady Team provides professional education to improve marketing planning and marketing relationships. MarketReady workshops and resources guide producers through the decisions needed for entering various direct marketing channels.
Are you MarketReady?
(Selling directly to Consumers)
- On & off farm markets & farmers' markets
- Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)
(Selling directly to Wholesale Buyers)
- Chefs - restaurants & caterers
- Grocery stores & specialty retailers
- Food service (schools & institutions) & food processors
- Food manufacturers
The MarketReady training is based around best business practices identified by buyers in each type of consumer and wholesale market.
Are you MarketReady? (pdf), a PowerPoint presentation.
The MarketReady program (formerly Retail Ready) was initially developed by the University of Kentucky (Dr. Tim Woods), piloted in cooperation with the Ohio State University Extension/Ohio Direct Marketing Team in 2010.
Resources for Educators
Curriculum resources are on in BuckeyeBox. For access, contact Christie Welch at welch.183@osu.edu