Ohio MEP works with more than 1,000 manufacturers each year to implement on-site projects, conduct training, and connect manufacturers to our resources and partners throughout the state.
Practical experience working with leaders inmanufacturing plants around the world.
National and international experts in the areas ofservice we provide, resulting in immediate andlong-term solutions that increase top-line growthand reduce bottom-line costs throughout yourorganization.
A team-based approach that passes our knowledge along to you in order to sustain improvements in your plant once the project is complete.
Staff located around the region within two hours ofany manufacturing plant in Southeastern Ohio.
We succeed as you meet your goals: Our nationalsponsor measures how well we are doing by theimpacts you receive from working with us.
We become your partner and your connection toOhio State and our statewide partners.
Ohio MEP plays a key role in Ohio State’s economic development mission and is supported through a combination of funding from the State of Ohio, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology, and direct client fees.