Introduction to Planting and Growing Hops in Ohio
Introduction to Hop IPM
Marketing Wet Hops
Working together with your SBDC
Ohio Malt - Andrew Martahus, Haus Malts
Ohio's Newest Malting Facilities and Markets- Andrew Martahus, Haus Malts
Hop Growers of America - Ann George, USA Hops
Points to Consider Before Starting an Ohio Hops Growing Business - Brad Bergefurd, OSU
Hop Breeding: Let's Get It On - Charlie Rohwer, PhD, University of Minnesota
Collaborative Marketing of Ohio Grown Hops - Dave Volkman, Owner Ohio Valley Hops, Director Ohio Hop Growers Guild
Advanced Pest Management - Erin Lizotte, Michigan State University Extension
Collaborative Marketing, Harvesting, Processing, and Pelletizing in Ohio - Hannah Scott, Ohio Cooperative Development Center
2015 UVM Research Update IPM Strategies - Dr. Lily Calderwood, Dr. Heather Darby, and the Northwest Crops and Soils Team
Weed Management in Barley - Mark Loux, Horticulture and Crop Science OSU
Identifying Pests and Beneficial Insects in Hops - Chelsea Smith and Mary Gardiner, Department of Entomology OSU
Current State of Ohio's Malting Industry - Matt Cunningham, Cunningham Farms
Barley Diseases and Management - Dr. Pierce A Paul, Department of Plant Pathology OSU
Weed Management in the Hop Yard - Doug Doohan, Horticulture and Crop Science OSU
Herbicide Drift: What's a Farmer to do? - Doug Doohan and Roger Downer, Horticulture and Crop Science, OSU/OARDC
Beginners: Keeping Hops Healthy: Disease Diagnosis, Forecasting, and Control - Sally A Miller, Plant Pathology
Advanced: Keeping Hops Healthy: Disease Diagnosis, Forecasting, and Control - Sally A Miller, Plant Pathology