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South Centers

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


OEFFA pre-conference workshop

Feb 12, 2016, 10:00am - 4:00pm

OEFFA pre-conference workshop organized by Dr. Rafiq Islam 

The Dirt on Organic Matter 

Soil Organic Matter (SOM) creates the foundation of soil health and productivity which support economically successful and environmentally sustainable farms. However, farming practices which rely on intensive tillage can accelerate SOM loss and degrade soil health.

Led by Ohio State University soil scientist Rafiq Islam, this workshop will explore time tested holistic organic farming practices, including multi-species cover crops, crop rotation, conservation tillage, and residue mulching that can help retain and build SOM. It will examine the practice of soil balancing and how the use of soil amendments and organically approved inputs impact soil biodiversity, along with the tools that farmers can use to monitor SOM content. Each participant will receive resources, including handouts and sample kits, to take home.


For more information please visit:

Pre-registration is required before February 8. Check-in opens at 9:30 am.

To register, please visit: