The COVID-19 crisis has left many growers and producers wondering how their sales and marketing will be affected in the 2020 growing season. Members of the OSU Direct Marketing team and other professionals have collaborated to provide resources for those struggling during these times. We want to help you understand the Facts Before the Actions. This means that you have the science-based information to make decisions on what procedures to implement at your farm. We are here for you!
Three webinars were held on March 31, 2020 that dive deeper into selling products online, operating drive-thru farmers markets, and the Ohio Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program. You can also find other useful resources at webinars at Please contact Christie Welch at with any questions.
Online Sales Drive-Thru Markets Senior Farmers Market
Additional Resources:
Produce Safety Removing Disposable Gloves Removing Reusable Gloves
Ohio Hand Sanitizer Producers Direct Sales Software Platforms (English)
Direct Sales Software Platforms (Spanish)
Knowledge Exchange: COVID-19 Hub
Agritourism Guidance for Operations During COVID19
Related Videos:
Making Events, Festivals, and Agritourism Accessible to the Public
Farmers Markets:
OFMN Operating Farmers Markets Farmers Market Restroom Access
OFMN Response to COVID19 Letter to FM Managers from ODA
Farm Markets: