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South Centers

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Welcome to Co-ops Online Training

Welcome to Co-Ops Online Training

Date: October 28, 2021 

Time: 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Where: This will be done in Zoom format.  A link to the training will be sent to you (if registered) the day prior to the event.

Registration:  Go to  Deadline to register is Febraruy 25th at 12 noon. 

• 2.5 hour interactive online training.
This interactive, online training will introduce participants to the co-op business model and co-op principles, help participants understand the value of co-ops and the history of co-ops in the U.S., and most importantly, to understand the rights and responsibilities of co-op member-­owners and employees as co-op ambassadors.